Great is your mercy towards me
Your lovingkindness towards me
Your tender mercy I see
Day after day
Forever faithful towards me
Always providing for me
Great is your mercy towards me
Great is your grace
Thank you GOD for your mercy!
I had got caught up in the chaos and busyness of my life. My world. Then I had started to take my focus off of GOD. I realized that I had started focusing on what was going on around me. My circumstances. My problems. My issues. It seemed like everything that could go wrong--was. I was having problems on the job, with my bills, in the home and recently, trying to find another place to stay (moving).
I had got so distracted that I was not praying, fasting nor reading my bible as much. It had gotten so bad, that believe it or not, I had stopped talking to my FATHER (GOD).
This reality hit me so hard. How had I drifted away? I had neglected my relationship with HIM. I had lost connection with my best friend. So, here I was drowning in my troubles. I needed HIM now more than ever.
With tears clouding my sight and moaning erupting out of my lips, I drop to my knees and repent. I ask GOD for forgiveness for neglecting my relationship with HIM and not keeping HIM first. I ask HIM for forgiveness for not trusting HIM and not casting my burdens over to HIM. I ask for HIM to create in me a clean heart and right spirit. I ask HIM to renew my mind. I ask HIM for HIS mercy.
I remember HIS mercy is GREAT! Especially towards those that are merciful.
Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy. Matthew 5:7
HIS mercy is neverending. O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good; for his mercy endureth for ever. 1 Chronicles 16:34
HE tells us to be merciful like HIM. Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father also is merciful. Luke 6:36
Mercy is good for the soul. The merciful man doeth good to his own soul...Proverbs 11:17.
As I got up off my knees, Praise flowed from my lips. Blessings to GOD for HIS mercy that HE shows me everyday. Thank you GOD for your lovingkindness towards me. Great is HIS mercy for ME!!!!
If I keep HIM first in my life and walk in righteousness, ...Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever. Psalm 23:6
A beautiful post and a beautiful song. When you think about it God never leaves us, it's we who leave Him and when we realize that He is right there to renew our hearts and mind. The words "unfailing love" come to my mind. I wonder if it is a song. I will have to check. I'm so glad you have been renewed to the Father.
Thanks for all your precious comments on my blog. They are appreciated more than you'll ever know.
Have a wonderful, spirit filled weekend,
Unfailing Love (by Chris Tomlin) is a song. I have never heard it. I have put it on My Playlist and the lyrics are at
If your interested your welcome to listen on my blog. The words are great.
Hi my sister (((Hugz))))
When I think of the unending love and grace the father has for us, I just want to praise him even more. There are times when I also find myself getting distracted and caught up in the busyness and get so exhausted and forget to pray or even stop for a moment to refill and refresh myself with his word. Jesus was a great reminder of stopping and taking time alone and going to the father in prayer. He knew he needed to refilled with the power from on high because he gave so much of himself to heal the sick, as well as minister in word. But even at times when we feel we have left him, he never leaves us. I love the song as well. Hugz Lorie
His mercy endureth foever- He freely gives it to us when we call. thankks for sharing
Thanks for your prayers and your comment on my blog.
My husband reminded me that he use to sing Unfailing Love. I had forgotten but God still had it in my spirit. Isn't that amazing.
He is so kind and considerate and I love Him more and more each day.
Be blessed my friend,
Hi My sister..
I just wanted to say thank you from my heart for your prayers I have an update on my blog. Thank you for being a blessing to me!!
Hugz Lorie
What a great post. I can tell your heart cried out to Him. Praying for you.
Your welcome you have a big family and we are here for you. Loves and hugs.
Hi My Sister..
Please come to my blog I have two awards for you.
Hugz Lorie
LaTonya, Please come to my blog, I have a surprize for you.
Praise God! God is so good. He has a sort of homing device attached to us (the Holy Ghost) and He will never allows us to get too far out of range that we can't find our way back to Him. I love that song you posted too!
How you doing just checking in.
Have a great day.
My Sister in Christ,
Beautiful, as all things that are God's. Raise up, go and be Blessed.
I was thinking of you today and thought I'd see what you were up to!
Plant Lady
My Sister in Christ,
I must say, this has been a blessed day that God has made. Here my testimony:
My son Byron and his wife Sharee have tried very hard to have a child, but because of her weight they have not been successful. They made up their mind to adopt, but you know how long and expensive that process can be. But as you know our God answers prayers and His ways are not our ways. Two days ago, Sharee received a call from her case worker, who informed her that there was a 1 week old baby girl that needed a home immediately. It seems that her mother came into the hospital complaining of pain in her stomach. Well as you can guess, she was having a baby. The sad part about this is that the mother just walk away after the baby was born. God has a plan and sometimes we don't understand His ways. Whatever His plan is, we know in our Spirit that this child has been given to my family to raise and nurture her and return her back to Him. Of course this was a blessing that was unexpected and much more than what has been prayed for, because that how He works. I'm still receiving information about this situation and what needs to be done. But in the mean time we will bathe in God's Glory, praise and worship Him and thank Him for meeting us in this season. More info to follow......
In the mean time my Sister, we must continue to lift Him up. I just love your sight and the beauty that is here. The music is a blessing. my site I update about 3 times a week, so come often and see where my studies lead me.
Raise up, go, and be blessed,
Brother Bobby
Yes, the gourd designs are mine! I enjoy crafting with them and I am learning to do some coiling(with pine straw)techniques on them.
I'm glad to hear you are feeling better and I hope all goes well at the doctor.
Plant Lady
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